Quick Marketing Audit Part lll

Ok, here we start to get into some detail. This may make you think a little more about what you currently do.


How many hours per week do you and your colleagues spend on online marketing, LinkedIn, Facebook, sending and receiving emails?  

How many hours on bids, proposals, tenders, quotes etc?

How many hours on the phone, mobile, cold calling, Skype, teleconferencing?

How many hours in appointments and one-on-one, face to face meetings, including travel?

How many hours do you/others spend networking?  Breakfast, lunch and evenings? 


Add up the total then multiply times four for a month


Multiply by 12 to project this for the year


Multiply this by what you consider to be your hourly rate



Are you personally and the wider business, getting a good return on your investment?

How do you feel about the results? What are you going to do to get different results?

Many people swap being employees to being self-employed.  Why do it?

Many work longer hours for less pay.

To double your business, can you double your effort? No.

Get away from Price, Quality and worst of all, the Service argument as to why you think you are better than the competition. Unless you are genuinely the cheapest or the very best it is hard to prove. Most of you do not even measure this so you cannot manage it.

To get a different result you must change what you do.  Why expect a different result from doing the same thing? Einstein’s definition of madness anyone?

Remember, successful business people often have a totally different relationship with time.

Final thought for a great first Impression.  Your business card or an autographed copy of your latest book, white paper or research document? You choose.

If you need help to make the necessary changes, get in touch here.

Quick Marketing Audit Part l

Quick Marketing Audit Part ll